Sense (Diplomarbeit)

Work in progress

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Die Brücke A559
Foto Installation, 2022
Cédric Ernoult und Giorgi Gedevanidze

Der Titel Die Brücke A559 verweist auf eine Autobahnbrücke bei Köln, von der illegalerweise Unrat in den darunter liegenden See geworfen wird.
 Cédric Ernoult und Giorgi Gedevanidze dokumentieren beim Tauchen, was an der Oberfläche nicht zu sehen ist. Die entsorgten Gegenstände sind in dem trüben Wasser teilweise schemenhaft zu erkennen, einige sind bereits von Pflanzen bewachsen. Ihre Aufnahmen zeigen den Zerfall, aber auch die Langlebigkeit der weggeworfenen Materialien. In tausend Jahren werden die Menschen, wenn sie Proben aus diesem Gewässer entnehmen, an dem eingelagerten Mikroplastik, Metall und Glas unser Zeitalter erkennen können. 

Für die beiden Künstler ist das achtlose, illegale Entsorgen von Müll auch eine Metapher für den Umgang mit der Klimakrise: Da CO2-Emissionen nicht sichtbar sind, suchen die Menschen oft schnelle Lösungen für alltägliche Probleme, ohne die ökologischen, ökonomischen und humanitären Folgen ihres Handelns einzurechnen. 


Installation, 2019

Distel is an interactive Installation consisting of a used lawnmower, motion sensor and a securityglass box. The lawnmower is inside the box, hanging at the wall with the cutting edges to the front. By approaching the box, the motion sensor starts the motor of the lawnmo- wer, the rotation of the cutting edges is upright to the face of the visitor. Additionally you hear the sound of the working lawnmower and the air circulation provoked by it and you can see particles of grass, which are part of the used mower loosely flying around. Distel is a collaborative work between the artists Sissy Schneider and Giorgi Gedevanidze.

This work might provoke thoughts and associations like: domination and domestication mechanisms - techniques and practices, annihilation tool, culture and cultiva- tion, ornamental gardens, nature and culture, fetishi- zed landscape formation, torture museum, digestive or- gan, cycles, industrial processing, use, responsibility for one‘s own movement and its effects, beyond human control, exposing the hidden.

Connected Realities
Installation/Performance, 2019

Connected Realities is a collaborative project that is experimenting with the connection between the perspective and perception and the interaction with the space and the physical body.
The trio of Phaidonas Gialis, Seongmin Yuk and Giorgi Gedevanidze have developed three glasses for their performance "Connected Realities" that force the change of perspective: A sees what B looks at, B what C looks at and C has the perspective of A.

As if that weren't confusing enough, the three perform an experimental choreography of self-imposed awkwardness, with microphones and loudspeakers attached to their bodies, to which feedback sounds of random constellations emit the soundtrack.

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Rat King

VR Installation, 2019

In this project I deal with the topic Virtual Reality.
I try to manipulate, control and influence a person's perspective through analogue 'interventions' in a virtual space. The shape of the installation is similar to the Rat King-Phenomenon.
The subjects are together in real space and are physically connected by the installation, which affects each virtual reality based on physical head movements.
The virtual space is based on the experimental set-up ''Rats exploring virtual reality'' by Ph.D. Mayank R. Mehtas and UCLA researchers. The subjects who wear the glasses get into a virtual space that was originally intended and designed for rats.
Mayank Mehta and his team have placed lab rats in a selfdeveloped virtual space, watching their brains behave in a virtual reality. The original video of the experiment can be found in my virtual experimental set-up.
In addition to virtual reality and animal studies, my work Rat King is mainly concerned with people who are physically and mentally connected through my installation.
Through interaction and collaboration, visitors become both friends and enemies at the same time, because they are interdependent, but at the same time want to have an individual experience.
Rat King is an interactive/experimental sculpture that restricts our comfort zone in real and virtual space.

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I can' sleep with my knife
Rauminstallation, 2018

This work deals with the question of perception, narration and memory of a story.
In an exhibition room, I design an imaginary apartment that consists only of a mattress and a doorframe without a door. A door lock is fixed to the frame and the door handle automatically moves up and down. On the mattress lies a knife. The exhibited objects, as well as the openness and the lack of privacy, which suggests this spatial situation, are connected with the story, which opens up to the viewer through the likewise issued documents.

It is a true story that I personally experienced and told several times to different people (policemen, friends and professors). This is about a burglary with theft in my apartment, during which I was present and slept.

This experience is reflected in the spatial construction in the exhibition space. The puristically used elements play a crucial role in the reconstruction of this experience. A penetration of the visitor into this privacy is possible from all sides without obstacles.

I have issued all documents from the police together with memoirs of friends/professors to whom I have told the story individually before. Although it is the same story, there are, surprisingly some inconsistencies between the logs.


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Everything you see is a part of your imagination
3 channel photo/video installation, 2017

Because of the theft, this work is completely lost!

Waltzing Matilda
Live interactive video installation, 2017

Waltzing Matilda  is an interactive video installation. This installation is very simple and does not require any great equipment.
The installation is very interactive, it can be exhibited in a room, in the garden, etc. '' Waltzing Matilda '' can be approached from many sides,
for example the beholders can rock against their shadows, or even try to rock away from their shadows.
Through a diverse perspective, it is sometimes unclear where the - real and unreal image is.

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